Okeh Onyekachi Chukwuemeka

Have you ever heard of being sexually active as a youth? What do you think about that concept? Do you think that it is in your best interest as a youth to become sexually active early or would you rather avoid it to the best of your ability till when you are ready to live with the consequences of indulging it?

From the conversations I have had with a wide spectrum of acquaintances, male and female friends who had their first conscientious sexual intercourse at an early age of 18 years or before then, most of them, especially the ones who are caught in the web of continuous sexual experiments, thereafter, wish they never dared to even have that exposure when they did.

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While another set of men i interacted with were happy to tell me that early sexual exposure armed them with the expertise they are now known with when it comes to engaging women of their choice intimately.

Majority of these friends and acquaintances who shared their thoughts with me, especially the males, owned up to the fact that after their first sexual exposure, they have never stopped scavenging on women till date all in the bid to satisfy their varying sexual fantasies.

We must also acknowledge that there is absolutely no specified round of sexual intercourse sessions that can satisfy a man who has not made a decision to be disciplined.

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With every ejaculation comes an intense urge to sample another female for the elusive satisfaction.

Some of these brothers that got exposed early confided in me that they were “so lucky” to have had their first ever stimulation of their genitals right in their homes by their older female domestic aides employed to run errands rather than in their secondary schools or on the street as we are used to.

The truth is that we can go on and on with this conversation of early sexual intimacy exposure as there is so much to say but beyond that, I would dare to say to my readers who are still young to please do all they can to avoid early and multiple sexual exposures. There seems to be no known cure to its implications.

The appetite for more “genital meet and greet exposures” can never be quenched and in some bad cases you may end up having so many kids littered all over the place in the process as your spoils of war.

As a young person, please be smart to have senior friends who are exposed and open minded whom you could be accountable to as your parents or guardians would often and always misunderstand your honest teenage age inspired adventures, if you dare share details about these escapades with most of them.

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Some African parents or guardians at the hearing of your tales of adventure would mourn you forthwith while you are still alive.

They will almost always judge you if you ever open up on your realities about some adolescence stage inspired adventures.

A highly reserved and brilliant friend of mine whose parents were very strict while growing up asked me how he would have ever dared to tell his parents at the age of 17 years that he had kissed a female friend in school or even exchanged well scripted love notes with his then teenage lover.

Please be deliberate about your life as a youth, seek counsel where you have to and commit to making sure that you do not get involved with exposures that may change the course of your life forever for the worst. For a Lady, nothing would set you back the way teenage pregnancy would always do.

As a lady, please go to bed everyday with the consciousness that if you invest massively in your self-development, you can earn whatever it is that you wish to have.

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When OdumoduBlack, a Nigerian hip pop singer screamed “If she no fuck ooo and she no suck, na who go pay for her wig and handbag” in a Shallipoppi’s owned hit track which OdumoduBlack was featured in titled Cast, it should always be known that such a line obviously was for damaged ladies with unusual taste for luxury that they cannot afford.

You can work hard to earn massively to fund the lifestyle you desire.

I need you to know that as a young lady with a mentor, you would come to realize that you can dream of anything in this life and achieve same through hard work and building great relationships. That way you would not have to always put your back on “random” beds to get things done.

Finally, for those who are damaged and struggling with some extreme habits, do the best you can to seek help early so that you do not rob yourself of the privilege of living a good and fulfilled life as a result of bad habits. Moreso, do all you can to prevent being exposed to these poor habits.

Maybe someday I would write a bit extensively about masturbation and why you must commit to doing all you can to be delivered from it as it would always damage the person indulging in it. From a place of knowledge, avoid this vice with every fibre of being in you.

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